Summer trip 915km in temps up to 39oC in a Tesla 3LR EV in Jan 2024 Sydney, Bathurst, Dubbo, Gulgong, Hill End, Sofala, Bathurst, Sydney by EV. Average real range 486km/100%
Day 1
Sydney to Bathurst 190km used 41.8% of battery, equivalent to 45.5km per 10% real range. Trip was 80-110km/hr to Bathurst elevation 650m.
Day 2 & 3
Headed downhill to Dubbo, elevation 275m, mostly @ 100km/hr. 212km used 43.9% battery, so real range on this trip was equivalent to 48.3km per 10% of battery. Temp reached 39oC in Dubbo.
Day 4
Forecast today is cooler at only 34oC in Dubbo. Topped up at the motel and left with 100% charge, for uphill drive via Gulgong to Hill End 208km away and 807m elevation. Then on to Sofala and on to Bathurst at 650m elevation. Today drove 315km using 70% of my battery, equivalent to 45km per 10% of battery used.
Day 5
Drove from Bathurst downhill to Sydney, using 32.4% over 198km, equivalent to 61km per 10% of battery.

It was good on this 915km trip that most places I visited or stayed had free EV chargers for their customers, so I mainly used those to top up while at the venues. I also did pay for charging once, 32kWh @ 70c kWh total $22.40, when I topped up at the Bathurst Supercharger for the trip home.